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Simply Put...Trust Him... Alone!

When God pushes you to the edge of difficulty, trust Him fully because two things can happen: Either He will catch you when you fall Or He will teach you how to fly.

Author Unknown


Because God loves us all without a prerequisite or cover charge, it is often times mind boggling, immeasurable and hard to fathom the meticulous planning that He strategically purposes in designing us…our lives…our destiny.

One would never be able to explain how He places such emphasis on the thought/idea, blueprint and then construction of our very beings. From the minutia things such as our eye and skin color, the hairs on our head; to the intermediate things such as our family compositions, followed right up by the gargantuan things such as our lives in and of themselves, our passions, visions, destiny and those that are “chosen” to walk alongside us on our journey.

The simplicity of this understanding is just that…simple. We don’t have to earn it…just accept it. Not because of whom we are, but simply because of who He is. In return, our job then becomes to acknowledge the assignment, follow the directions and trust…trust! Trust that He has worked out all the particulars.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines trust as: a firm reliance on the integrity or ability of a person or a thing. Trust, a securely, fixed in place dependence on the completeness of a person based on their power to do something.

We have enough unwavering faith to know, based on the characteristics of God, demonstrated through His unfailing promises that it is well and it will be well.

We stand here today, not specifying which areas of my life I will trust God with. I willingly, submit ALL things over to Him. I unite here today with you, faith based...knowing and trusting that when God has set the date for destiny to be fulfilled, passions revealed, strategic spiritual seating placed; it is usually at a time when someone needs to hear, feel or be injected into your life to receive, elevate, minister and complete the will of God.

So I thank you for joining your faith with mine to further solidify our acceptance that trusting is not about being totally helpless in our lives, it’s completely about being totally hopeful…faithful…full of trust!

And thus, applying the realization of this…For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future.

For whatever endeavors you might be on the brink of today, you must get this…trusting is not hard, it’s understanding. And once you’ve…we’ve understood the concept, we can now apply the principle.

So let’s begin…shall we...? Let’s venture out together…and be inspired along the way. Let’s sow seeds…uplift…and challenge ourselves and those we know, to be full of trust, better than we were yesterday and to go out… into the deep.

And remember: When Jesus says YES, nobody can't say no! Let's get this in our spirit!

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